Thursday 25 April 2013

Cara Mendapat Undi Orang Melayu Oleh DAP

Siapa Pandai

Mali -mali undi sama PAS & DAP kita macam adik beladik nanti kita sudah menang balu kita bincang pasal hudud, kita sulah sepakat balu kita ada suara mau minta lu tok moyang punya harta lo. Itu artikel 153 kita bubarkan lulu, lepas itu balu kita celita ha. Brader Anuar kita pakai logo PAS di Semananjung mau ini pengundi Melayu sapot sama Pakatan dan Sabah Sarawak kita pakai lu punya logo lo, balu kita senang pusing ma.

Gelang Patah ala banyak Cina u tak mau takut kita olang boleh menang, kita tipu sana punya orang macam kita tipu di negeli-negeli yang kita menang lo, apa mau takut kita punya brader Dato Seri Anuar Ibrahim ada ma, dia manyak pandai tipu, pusing sana sini kasi sana punya rakyat undi sama kita lo. Nanti saya punya anak Ustaz Lim Guan Eng pun boleh kelentong sikit-sikit ma apa mau susah

Bangkit..........................Wahai orang-orang................

Wednesday 24 April 2013

BN atau PR Menang

Janji-janji manis

Kita menang, Pakatan akan memberi bulan, masuk syurga, hudud boleh dan tak mau hudud pun boleh

Kami telah mentabir selama 54 tahun dan kami mempunyai pengalaman untuk mentabbir negara ini,kami akan menghapuskan rasuah, janji ditepati dan masuk neraka.

Pilih cepat sebelum roket kebulan dan ke syurga cepat jangan lambat............

Monday 22 April 2013

Rancangan Jahat DAP.....

DAP Mempunyai 24 Agenda

24 agenda tebabit ialah Kristian dijadikan agama rasmi; wujudkanrepublik Malysia; Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja dibubar; keistimewaan Melayu dilupus; institusi Raja dimansuh; bukan Melayu jadi YDP Pulau Pinang; aznan tidak dibenarkan berkumandang; tilawah Al Quran dihapuskan; Perkida dan Perkasa diharamkan; PAS diharamkan; Majlis Agama Islam dibubar; bahasa Inggeris jadi bahasa rasmi; subjek agama Islam dibatalkan; komunis Chin Peng diampunkan; MARA ditutup; FELDA, Felcra, Risda disertai bukan Melayu; wang zakat diberi kepada bangsa lain; GLC diterjaui bangsa Cina; Ketua PDRM dan ATM di pimpin bukan Melayu; Kemas, MKN, BTN di tutup; kedutaan Israel dibuka dan semua dasar ekonomi Melayu dibatal.

Dalam melaksanakan agenda berbahaya itu, DAP dikatakan sudah merangka pelan tindakan pertahanan yang mampan khususnya bagi menagani tentangan etnik Melayu Islam. Difahamkan sebaik saja merampas Putrajaya , DAP akan memastikan PKR dan PAS akur dengan kehendaknya menghapuskan Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (RAMD) dengan alasan pasukan itu sifat perkauman.

Tindakan itu diterjemahkan melalui perlantikan ketua turus ATM dipimpin oleh bangsa bukan Melayu. Munkin orang ramai tidak nampak kaitannya dengan ancaman terhadap bangsa Melayu. Mudah saja. Sebaik saja PAS diharamkan dan bangsa Melayu terasa tertindas, satu kebangkitan melayu Islam akan berlakudan kali ini askar Melayu tidak dapat digerakan kerana RAMD sudah bubar ATM dikuasai bangsa lain.

Lebih buruk lagi, sistem pertahanan negara dibayangi kuasa asing kerana kedutaan Israel dibuka di Kuala Lumpur dan kem tyentera Israel mengambil alih RAMD di Port Dickson. Pada ketika itu, jangan harap MAGERAN akan berlaku.

Tanpa Mageran, bangsa Melayu berharap pada PERKIDA dan Perkasa untuk memperjuangkan nasib bangsa tetapi sekali lagi Melayu ditimpa malang kerana kedua dua NGO itu distiyharkan sebagai pertubuhan pengganas dan diharamkan. Jika PAS bertindak 'lebih kuah dari sudu' parti Islam  itu akan diharamkan dengan alasan kerajaan baru tidak membenarkan parti keagamaan dan dan perkauman.

Dalam hal ini  sudah tentu  UMNO juga dibatalkan kerana diangap parti perkauman sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam piagam parti diasaskan oleh Allahyarham Dato  Onn Jaafar.

Inilah akan berlaku 13 May 1969

Who Going To Protect Rohingya People.....

Pressure Still Needed to Protect Rohingya and Minorities, Release Political Prisoners

(Brussels) – The European Union’s premature lifting of all targeted sanctions on Burma means the EU will need a new platform to press the government to improve the country’s still dire human rights situation. On April 22, 2013, EU foreign ministers ended decades of EU travel bans and targeted sanctions on Burmese army and government individuals and entities, except its export ban on arms.

“The EU’s scrapping of targeted sanctions on Burma is premature and recklessly imperils human rights gains made so far,” said Lotte Leicht, EU director at Human Rights Watch. “EU member states are ditching measures that have motivated the current progress and gambling on the good will of Burma’s government and military to keep their word to keep reforms on track.”

In April 2012, EU foreign ministers suspended for one year all sanctions on Burma with the exception of its arms embargo, and outlined benchmarks to gauge progress to guide a future decision on lifting sanctions. These benchmarks included the release of all remaining political prisoners; the end of conflict, particularly in Kachin State; improved access for humanitarian assistance throughout the country; and increased assistance and improved treatment of ethnic Rohingya Muslims. Many of these benchmarks are similar to guarantees made by President Thein Sein, in November 2012, ahead of the visit by US President Barack Obama.

Instead of the expected progress, each of these benchmarks currently remains unfulfilled or progress is stalled, Human Rights Watch said.

The prisoner review mechanism that the government promised would decide on the cases of the estimated 240 political prisoners was only formed in February and has met briefly only a few times. Participating members from nongovernmental groups have expressed dissatisfaction with the mechanism’s scope and mandate. The slow pace of legal reform has meant that many repressive laws used by past military governments remain on the books, and hence available to stifle dissent and detain peaceful activists. In Kachin State, a fear of continued fighting and abuses has kept the more than 80,000 displaced Kachin from returning to their homes despite a February ceasefire between the government and the rebel Kachin Independence Army (KIA). The government continues to severely restrict humanitarian access to displaced persons in KIA-controlled areas who urgently need food, medicine, and adequate shelter.

“Gushing superlatives appear to have replaced objective assessments in EU decision-making on Burma,” Leicht said. “The onus is now on EU member states to individually and together speak out publicly for progress on rights both directly with the Burmese government and in international forums.”

Of immediate concern is the government campaign of “ethnic cleansing” against the Rohingya minority in Arakan State and the displacement of over 125,000 people, which Human Rights Watch detailed in a just-released report, “All You Can Do is Pray.” The government has allowed only limited and inadequate humanitarian access to Rohingya populations at risk. Senior EU officials have warned that displaced Rohingya are facing “a humanitarian disaster” with the rainy season just weeks away. The thousands of Rohingya in displaced persons camps and other areas have been denied freedom of movement, and suffer persistent persecution and violence from local authorities with the backing of state security forces. This discrimination places them at greater risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said.

“The lifting of EU sanctions could not come at a worse time for the Rohingya at risk in Arakan State,” Leicht said. “The EU should now redouble its efforts to get aid to those already suffering from aid shortages and press hard on the government to end its repressive policies and practices against the Rohingya.”

During President Thein Sein’s visit to Europe in March, senior EU officials praised the government’s progress on political and economic reform yet failed to adequately raise continuing human rights concerns, Human Rights Watch said. The promised creation of a permanent presence of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights with a full monitoring, reporting and capacity-building mandate remains unfulfilled. Burma has also failed to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for past abuses, including alleged war crimes in Burma’s ethnic conflict areas.

“The EU should promptly adopt a comprehensive policy defining its engagement with Burma to avoid further boosting abusive military officials and companies while advancing respect for the rights of everyone in Burma,” Leicht said. “The Burmese government has yet to earn the trust of many people, especially those in simmering conflict zones and ethnic areas. For them, rights protections and reform are promises unkept.

Hak Melayu Musnah Jika Salah Undi

Berhati Hati Sebelum Terlambat

Tujuh wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu

Kami wasiatkan kepada zuriat keturunan kami tujuh perkara yang mana jika kamu bersatu padu dan berpegang teguh kepadanya selama itulah kamu akan aman damai dan selamat sejahtera. Adalah tujuh perkara;

1. Kami namakan dan kami panggil akan dia, bumi yang kamu pijak dan langit yang kamu junjung, Persekutan Tanah Melayu (sekarang dikenali dengan nama Malaysia).

2. Kami istiharkan dan kami simpan untuk kamu dan benarkan kamu isytihar dan simpan untuk anak cucu kamu, selain gunung ganang, tasik dan hutan simpan, tanah simpanan Melayu sehingga nisbah 50% selebihnya kamu rebutlah bersama-sama kaum lain.

3.Bagi menjaga kamu dan bagi melindungi anak cucu kamu serta harta hak milik kamu, kami telah tubuhkan Rejimen Askar Melayu selain untuk membanteras kekacauan dalam negara dan ancaman dari luar negara.

4. Kami kekalkan dan jamin kerajaan dan kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu memerintah negara ini.

5. Kami isytiharkan Islam ialah Agama Perseketuan.

6. Kami tetapkan bahasa kebangsaan ialah Bahasa Melayu.

7. Kami amanahkan dan kami pertanggungjawapkan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu untuk melindungi kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain. (Kemudian ditambah kedudukan istimewa anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak).


Tujuh wasiat ini amatlah penting bagi seluruh rakyat Malaysia kerana, pada masa akan datang Melayu dan bangsa lain, masing-masing tahu kedudukan mereka. Bukan ertinya rakyat bukan Melayu dipingirkan. Rakyat bukan Melayu tidak mempunyai hak untuk memiliki harta kepunyaan tok moyang orang-orang Melayu.

Jika kita lihat politik semasa akan membawa kepada keadaan sebegini untuk merebut harta dan negara kepunyaan orang-orang Melayu. 

Tuesday 9 April 2013

African Union summit in Libya

Sudanese President Should be Arrested on Arrival

Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir attends the opening of the African Union summit in Libya on July 1, 2009.

Press release
Chad took a step in the right direction when it avoided President al-Bashir’s visit in March. Al-Bashir is sought on charges for heinous crimes in Darfur. He should be arrested, not welcomed.
Elise Keppler, senior international justice counsel
(New York) – The government of Chad should arrest President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan or bar him entry to the country, Human Rights Watch said today.

Al-Bashir is expected to travel to Chad today, to attend the Greenbelt Conference of the Community of Sahel-Saharan States, according to news reports. The Sudanese president is not attending the presidential inauguration in Kenya, as some earlier media accounts suggested he would do. Al-Bashir issought by the International Criminal Court (ICC), accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed in Sudan’s Darfur region.

“Chad took a step in the right direction when it avoided President al-Bashir’s visit in March,” saidElise Keppler, senior international justice counsel at Human Rights Watch. “Al-Bashir is sought on charges for heinous crimes in Darfur. He should be arrested, not welcomed.”

Chad is the only ICC member country that has allowed al-Bashir to visit multiple times since the arrest warrant was issued in 2009. In March, Chad postponed the Greenbelt Conference to April amid diplomatic and public outcry over al-Bashir’s anticipated fourth visit to Chad to attend.

As an ICC member, Chad is obligated to cooperate in securing the surrender of those wanted by the court. Other African ICC members – including South Africa, Malawi, Botswana, Central African Republic, and Zambia–have made clear that al-Bashir will be arrested on their territory, or have cancelled anticipated visits by al-Bashir to their countries.

Djibouti, Malawi, and Kenya are the only other African ICC members to have allowed al-Bashir on their territory without arresting him since the warrant was issued. However, Malawi and Kenya have avoided return visits by relocating to Ethiopia conferences al-Bashir was scheduled to attend in their countries.

The Chadian government has contended that in welcoming al-Bashir, it is abiding by a decision of the African Union (AU) calling for African governments not to cooperate in his arrest. As a matter of international law, however, AU decisions cannot negate Chad’s obligations as an ICC member, Human Rights Watch said.

African civil society has protested travel by al-Bashir to the territory of ICC countries and called for al-Bashir to be arrested for trial by the ICC. The ICC’s judges have found that Chad has failed to cooperate with the court in allowing al-Bashir on its territory without arrest.

“Activists across Africa have repeatedly called for African governments to surrender al-Bashir to the ICC,” Keppler said. “Governments should stand with Darfur’s victims and ensure that al-Bashir faces justice.