Saturday, 31 December 2011

Pembangkang perlu bertanggungjawap atas kejadian kepada mahasiswa kita

Kita melantik pemimpin untuk memimpin kita, bukan binasakan anak-anak muda kita atau mempergunakan mereka demi kepentingan politik.

   Saya sebagai anak Malaysia sungguh sedih atas perbuatan pemimpin-pemimpin di Malaysia seperti PAS,DAP dan PKR mendorong anak-anak muda yang mengaji di Pusat Pengajian Tinggi, mengalakkan mereka untuk membuat perhimpunan dan mengutuk kerajaan BN. PAS, DAP dan PKR atau di panggil secara keseluruhan senagai Pakatan Rakyat untuk berpolitik dengan BN dan pihak pembangkang mempunyai 4 nrgeri di Malaysia, sepatutnya PR yang perlu berpolitik bukan mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang sedang belajar di Pusat Pengajian Tinggi. Ini akan merosakkan karier mereka, bersusah payah kelurga mereka mendapatkan tempat di  Pusat Pengajian Tinggi datang pula PR menghasut mereka supaya membuat perhimpunan.

Bagaimanakah kita sebagai rakyat , mempercayai parti pembangkang seperti ini. Kami takut satu hari nanti anak-anak kita juga akan di hasut oleh mereka (PR). PAS adalah satu parti yang memperjuangkan Islam adakah benda yang di lakukan oleh pihak atau individu yang tertentu yang berkenaan dengan PR adil.

Kemudian kutuk kekejaman Polis, itu tanggungjawap mereka menjaga keamanan negara. Mereka terpaksa mengambil langkah untuk mengelak dari berlaku rusuhan. PAS harus mempunyai rasa tanggungjawap jika , sesuatu negara ada perhimpunana yang meragukan atau dasar keselamatan polis perlu mengambil tindakan supaya tidak merebak. Bukannya mengutuk polis yang cuba menjaga rakyat dari rusuhan.

Gambar di bawah itu adalah ini telah berlaku di London adakah rakyat Malaysia ingin melihat insiden yang sama di negara kita. Jika dari awal polis tidak memendung masalah yang berlaku.

Insiden UPSI: PAS desak KPN, menteri letak jawatan 
Hazayani Zakaria 

KUALA LUMPUR, 1 Jan: PAS mengutuk keras kekejaman polis terhadap mahasiswa pada Himpunan Kebebasan Akademik (BEBAS) di hadapan Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI) malam tadi

Kita rakyat Malaysia ingin negara aman dan damai, bukan negara yang berlaku rusuhan.

Pasal Anuar Budak-Budak Mahasiswa Rosak

Adam Adli di tahan polis

Adam adli baru sahaja di tahan oleh polis ketika membuat demo di UPSI tengah malam tadi.antara mahasiswa yang kena tahan selain dari adam adli adalah syukri razab SMM dan 4 mahasiswa yang yang saya dapat mereka di tahan dan di bawa ke balai polis tanjung malim

Adilkah politik Anuar???

Berita Harian Dan Utusan Malaysia telah mengeluakan kenyataan bahawa ,Anwar tidak wajar heret rakyat untuk selesai masalah peribadi.

Harakahdaily pula mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa, sila baca di bawah.
Bantah 'Kempen Bebas Anwar 901' tidak berasas
Muhammad Faizal

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Dis: Datuk Mahfuz Omar menyelar Umno BN dan beberapa NGO yang membuat laporan polis membantah 'Kempen Bebas Anwar 901' dan menyifatkannya sebagai tidak berasas

Pada pandangan saya adakah wajar bagi seseorang yang telah meliwat,merogol,merompak,membunuh dan melakukan pelbagai kesalahan. Berkempen seluruh Malaysia dan dunia dengan menyatakan bahawa ,beliau (Anuar) di fitnah oleh pihak tertentu. Katakanlah ada pihak yang tertentu ingin menjatuhkan beliau, itu perlu di buktikan oleh beliau. Adakah wajar bagi Anuar menjelajah Semenanjung Malaysia bagi mendapat simpati dari rakyat untuk bebas dari pekara yang belum lagi di jatuhkan hukuman pada beliau.
Di sini beliau (Anuar) telah membuktikan pada kita bahawa beliau memang bersalah. Anuar cuma hendak mengucar-kacirkan negara yang aman dan damai. Demi kepentingan diri sendiri dan keluarga beliau (Nurul Izzah).
Anuar mengajar anak-anak muda dan pada semua rakyat bahawa bagaimana hendak melarikan diri dari sesuatu kesalahan yang di lakukan. Adakah pengajaran ini baik untuk kita semua.Beliau (Anuar) secara terang-terang cuba memutar-belitka kes terhadap beliau. Bangkit dan bukalah mata kita wahai rakyat Malaysia jangan kita jadi pengikut atau pun barua Anuar Ibrahim.

Memang saya bersetuju bahawa Barisan Nasional mempunyai banyak pemimpin yang membelot wang rakyat. Baru-baru ini kes NFC ,lembu dan Khir Toyo yang telah di bongkarkan oleh Parti Pembangkang tetapi PKR tidak mempunyai kredibeliti untuk menjadi kerajaan yang baik pada rakyat Malaysia. Dengan ini kita memerlukan BN memegang amanah yang di beri oleh rakyat dan menyinkirkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang membelot wang rakyat.

Saya telah mendapatkan pandangan kawan-kawan saya, Melayu, Cina mahu pun India. Mereka sayangkan Barisan Nasional, akan tetapi mereka benci dengan pemimpin yang membelot wang rakyat. Dengan itu mereka tidak ada pilihan lain dan terpaksa mengundi PKR. Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Najib perlu mengambil tindakan yang tegas pada pemimpin-pemimpin yang membelot wang rakyat. Dan dapatkan muka-muka baru yang boleh memberi pandangan baru pada parti Barisan Nasional dan memegang amanah yang di beri rakyat. Tindakan ini akan mendapatkan sokongan dari rakyat untuk Barisan Nasional.

Marilah kita berdoa pada Allah SWT supaya memberi Rahmat pada negara kita pada tahun 2012 supaya negara kita aman dan damai.


Friday, 30 December 2011

What Will Gandhi.................

What would Gandhi think of our world today?

Mahatma Gandhi - Photograph: Wikipedia

To many people, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about Mahatma Gandhi is of course his doctrine of non-violence. I think by far this is his greatest contribution to the world, that rebellion against injustice can be achieved through non-violent means. That to protest against such injustices is a human right, because injustice itself is a violation of human rights. And because injustice is often violent, to protest in a non-violent manner is also a statement in itself.

Not that the world, despite its admiration for Gandhi, has been able to follow his doctrine in practice at all. When we look at the amount of violence today all round the world, we have to wonder what the Mahatma would have thought. Violence today has become more widespread, more sophisticated and more diversified. We are seeing every day different types of violence perpetrated by different people using different means. Are any of them justified and would all of them merit the same non-violent responses?

Violence in the world

In Gandhi’s day, his main concern was the sort of violence perpetrated by colonisers against the colonised. This included both the British government’s colonisation of India and the demand by Indians for self-determination as well as the social colonisation of the haves in Indian society over the have-nots, especially those from the untouchable classes.

Perhaps less well-known is that Gandhi was also an opponent of the formation of the state of Israel. Although he sympathised greatly with the plight of Jews who were being persecuted in Germany, nevertheless Gandhi thought the answer was not the setting up of a Jewish state in Palestine. “The Palestine of the Biblical conception,” he said, “ is not a geographical tract. It is in their (Jewish) hearts. But if they must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun. A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the
goodwill of the Arabs. They should seek to convert the Arab heart.”

As we know, nobody listened then to Gandhi and the Palestine issue is still with us today. As indeed colonialism still is, and taking on more violent forms than ever before. Today we have at least two countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, with hundreds of foreign soldiers on their soil attempting unsuccessfully to bring peace to those countries. Instead of development, both Iraq and Afghanistan have been laid waste to violence and are unable to govern themselves for some time to come. Furthermore the violence perpetuated is today much more sophisticated, operated from a distance and causing many more deaths and injuries on civilian populations than ever before. How many times have we seen reports of drone attacks causing many civilian deaths in Afghanistan or suicide bombers killing and injuring innocent people?

Weapons of war

Today too we have seen more diverse forms of weaponry, not just more technologically sophisticated ones but also chemical weapons, even those declared illegal by the international community. In Gaza, doctors treating the injured reported the use of white phosphorus, which burns the skin as long as oxygen is available. These doctors also reported the use of Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME), a type of bomb fired from Israeli planes, which hit the ground, bounce up again and then explode sending out hundreds of sharp blades and shrapnel. The injuries caused by these shrapnel include amputated legs, arms and heads; needless to say, DIME does not differentiate between adults and children, soldiers and civilians.

Let us not forget that the threat of nuclear weapons still looms over us today. Despite the global anti-nuclear movement, today there are still several countries that insist on having nuclear weapons including the United States and Israel. Additionally, the conventional arms trade is today estimated to be valued at USD1.5 trillion yearly or 2.7 per cent of the world’s GDP. The United States alone accounts for 42.8 per cent of the world’s defence spending and 4.8 per cent of its GDP. It is also the largest exporter of armaments, thus spreading violence and death all round the world.

As the director Michael Moore pointed out in his documentary Bowling for Columbine, in an environment where it is not considered unusual to manufacture, buy and sell weaponry, violence becomes an idea that seeps into the community and the minds of individuals, with fatal consequences for many innocent victims.

The Nobel peace laureate Oscar Arias Sanchez, former President of Costa Rica, a country without an army, noted the same phenomenon: “When a country decides to invest in arms, rather than in education, housing, the environment, and health services for its people, it is depriving a whole generation of its right to prosperity and happiness. We have produced one firearm for every ten inhabitants of this planet, and yet we have not bothered to end hunger when such a feat is well within our reach.

“Our international regulations allow almost three-quarters of all global arms sales to pour into the developing world with no binding international guidelines whatsoever. Our regulations do not hold countries accountable for what is done with the weapons they sell, even when the probable use of such weapons is obvious.”

Thus the world in 2011 is much more awash in the means to violence than in the days of Gandhi, even though he lived to see the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and was a sharp critic of the use of nuclear bombs. In 1946, he remarked: “I regard the employment of the atom bomb for the wholesale destruction of men, women, and children as the most diabolical use of science.” Sadly this diabolical use of science continues unabated today.

Causes of violence

What about the causes of violent conflict today? No longer is it just colonisation that is causing conflict but different issues have arisen of late that may not have existed in Gandhi’s day. Globalisation has linked the countries of the world as never before but its benefits have not been evenly distributed over all countries. The divide between rich and poor nations remains large; developing nations still suffer a bigger share of the world’s poverty, illiteracy and ill health. They are less able to cope with shocks in the world’s economic system; if the developed world to which they export suffers a recession, they suffer worse from the effects of those cutbacks.

These types of economic inequalities lead to a new phenomena, human migration, where people move from their own region or country to another to seek a better life. If badly managed, this can lead to conflicts with the native people of the host countries. Migrants now make up 214m people who leave their countries for work or to seek refuge from crises in their own countries, including conflicts. According to the International Organisation for Migration, this means that one in every 33 people in the world is an international migrant. As displaced people and refugees, or even simply as foreign workers in a country, these migrants become vulnerable to violence as well as other disadvantages such as lack of access to health care.

Additionally there are the effects of relatively new phenomena such as climate change. When people are displaced by environmental disasters caused by climate change such as drought or floods, they encroach on other people’s land. Conflicts arise when more people are forced to find food from the same limited resources. Refugees forced to live in deplorable conditions invariably rebel and start to fight with both fellow refugees and their unwilling hosts. What is happening in Somalia is a case in point where hundreds of thousands of famine-stricken people have been forced to move in search of food, sparking an immense humanitarian crisis.

In many cases, compared to Gandhi’s day, the perpetrators of violence have also diversified. Where before it was often states that inflicted violence on people, today there may be non-state actors or even communities that may cause such violence. For instance, the existence of networks of people who believe that violence is the only response to injustice, thus leading to events such as 9/11, the Bali bombings and other violent events such as the suicide bombing of houses of worship. Gender-based violence has also been well-documented for example in Bosnia, in Indonesia in 1998, and more recently in the Congo and in Libya. The targets of such violence are also diverse; sometimes it is certain communities, sometimes the more vulnerable sections of the population such as women and sometimes targets are randomly picked.

Media’s obsession with violence

In all this, let us not forget the role of the media in both highlighting, perpetuating and sometimes even possibly encouraging violence. Violence is almost always sensational and if one reads the news, it is possible to think that everyone around the world is inclined towards violence. Every day there is a suicide bomber blowing up someone or a murder is committed yet again somewhere. On television we see both factual and fictional violence so seamlessly broadcast together that for a while we find it hard to differentiate between what is real and what is not. This is why our first reaction to the planes flying into the World Trade Centre on Sept 11, 2001 was uncertainty as to whether it was computer-generated imaging or real, so used are we to disaster movies.

The media fascination with violence has two main effects. Firstly it inures us to violence so much so that we become less and less able to empathise when something dreadful happens. We no longer remember that every person killed through conflict is someone’s son or daughter, husband or wife or friend. We may count bodies but we don’t see them as someone’s loved one lost to violence. As long as it’s not anyone we know, we don’t care too much.

Secondly, media tends to persuade us that the only answer to violence is more violence. Picture the cheers that went up among many Americans when the news got out that Osama bin Laden had been killed. It seemed a natural ‘progression’ if you can call it that, from a response that has been just as violent if not more, and in fact has caused more casualties than were killed in the September 11 attacks alone. According to the costs-of-war project at Brown University, a “very conservative” estimate is that about 137000 civilians have been killed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan and that the wars have created more than 7.8m refugees in these countries. And to prove Oscar Arias Sanchez’s words, the Brown project also puts the wars’ ultimate cost, including interest payments and veterans’ care, to the United States at up to US$4 trillion—equivalent to the country’s cumulative budget deficits for the six years from 2005 to 2010.

Inspiring untold stories

The media’s obsessive attention to violence thus has a cyclical effect in that it only promotes further violence, which in turn continually feeds the media’s hunger for sensationalism. Yet what the media chooses to highlight is far from the entire story of any news item. Gandhian principles of non-violence are alive and well today, even though they may not seem as newsworthy to media corporations. Allow me to talk about some of them.

Julia Bacha is a young filmmaker who made a documentary on non-violence resistance in the West Bank. In her TEDTalks lecture, she makes the case for greater attention to non-violent protests in Palestine because she believes that it inspires people to replicate the same model and therefore break the cycle of violence around them. Her documentary tells the story of the Palestinian village of Budrus that embarked on a ten-month long non-violent protest against the building of a barrier by the Israelis that cut across their olive groves. Their persistence, perseverance and resolute committal to non-violence eventually paid off. What’s more, when Julia’s documentary was shown to other villages, it spurred those villages to embark on the same type of protest in the hope that these would yield the same results.

Media attention to such a movement would serve several purposes. It would present another side to the story of Palestine, that rather than the usual violence one sees on-screen, there are people who are demanding their rights in a peaceful manner. It would also do much to dispel stereotypes, both of the aggressive stone-throwing Palestinian who seems uninterested in peace as well as show that there are a lot of Israelis who also support Palestinian rights. Indeed few people know of the non-violent Israeli peace movement that has always been opposed to the Israeli government’s approach to the Palestine issue.

Today too, non-violent protests are taking place on Wall Street to protest against the disastrous impact that financiers have had on the lives of ordinary people not just in the US but all over the world. These financiers have continued to demand government bail-outs and reward themselves with gargantuan bonuses. The Occupy Wall Street movement started with only a few people and was ignored by most of the media until luminaries such as Cornell West joined them. Predictably enough once it started to grow, the response from the police has been swift and violent, with 700 people arrested yesterday. But today the movement is spreading with other peaceful occupations planned for other cities in the coming weeks.

Women step forward

Violence also takes many forms. Similarly non-violent responses can also take diverse forms. One of the worst forms of violence against women is female genital cutting, a traditional customary practice in many parts of Africa and the Middle East. Meant to control women’s sexuality; it causes many forms of health problems in the young girls who undergo it, including HIV infection from unclean knives used for cutting.

Changing such a long-held custom, which some believe is required by religion, is not easy because it often challenges the authority of village heads, religious leaders and the cutters themselves who have much social standing because of their jobs. But an NGO in Senegal called Tostan has managed to stop this practice in more than 40 villages not by confrontational means but by a process of engaging and educating village and community leaders. Working with religious leaders both Muslim and Christian, Tostan workers go from village to village to talk to communities about their right to health and how female genital cutting violates that right. So successful has this non-violent response to a violent tradition been that even former cutters have become strong advocates against it, convincing villagers to take public pledges to end the practice. While protecting women’s health, it has also helped to empower village women and given them a sense that they too have rights.

Indeed women have often been at the forefront of many peaceful protests both for their own rights, and for society at large. In such diverse places as Saudi Arabia where women have protested for the right to vote, to stand for municipal elections and to drive; Indonesia, where recently women protested against attitudes which blamed women for their own rapes; and to Iran, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria, where thousands of women have been a central part of the peaceful protests for change.

Building bridges

Which brings us to the recent phenomenon known as the Arab Spring. As imperfect as the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions have been, they did much to dispel many stereotypes about Arabs and about protests that the world has had until now. For one thing, it was clear that Arabs want the same things as the rest of the world – freedom, justice, equality and human rights – and showed that none of these demands are exclusive to Westerners. For another, it was also clear in these two countries, that it was possible to overthrow a hated government peacefully, especially if there is no interference from outside. Sadly this is not a lesson some dictatorial governments appreciate, as we can see by the tragic examples of Libya, Syria and Bahrain.

There have also been examples of peaceful protest here in our country. Two years ago, after some people paraded a cow-head to protest against a Hindu temple being moved to their neighbourhood, many Malaysians participated in ‘Fast for the Nation’, where both Muslims and non-Muslims here and abroad came together for the imsak meal just before dawn, then fasted all day and then broke their fast together at dusk. Many of the participants, both Muslim and non-Muslim, said that fasting together made them feel united despite attempts by some quarters to divide us on religious and communal lines.

In January 2010, after a church was burnt, about 200 young people answered a call through social media to participate in an event called Tali Tenang, a peaceful rally for unity during a time of heightened tensions. It says a lot that neither event was organised by any politician; instead they were a mobilisation of civil society, mostly young people, to rebel in a peaceful manner against racism and discrimination.

Non-violent resistance

I would be remiss if I did not talk about the most recent non-violent protest here in Malaysia of which I was a proud participant. Bersih 2.0 is the most recent example where Malaysians from all walks of life and all ages came out to peacefully march for clean and fair elections. The Bersih rally showed up the stark differences between perceptions of peaceful action by the government and by ordinary people.

The government and the police seemed to believe that no Malaysians could gather to protest anything without resorting to violence, and therefore peace could only be maintained by the cancellation of the rally. Nor could they believe that participants had anything but a political agenda.

Yet if we read the many personal accounts of the Bersih rally written by the ordinary people who participated, it is clear that most of them were moved by a sense that an injustice was being done to them by not allowing them a voice, and they were determined that the rally would be a peaceful and disciplined one. Faced with teargas, water cannons and batons, however, the participants behaved in true Gandhian spirit, refusing to retaliate with violence themselves. Whatever the outcome, ordinary Malaysians won a great moral victory that day.

In conclusion, Gandhi’s non-violent form of resistance is alive and well today, perpetuated by all people around the world seeking freedom, justice or simply the truth. Sadly, as we have seen, governments rarely think in Gandhian terms and instead fall into the trap of matching violence with violence, arming themselves with ever more sophisticated weaponry in anticipation of potential warfare. At the same time they sometimes make war against their own citizens.

Perhaps the only way to change this is to make use of the power that we all have to insist that we be ruled only by those who wage peace at all times. Let us insist that our leaders, whoever they may be, should be those who refuse to bow to the violence and divisiveness that political gamesmanship invariably yields and instead work for the equal rights of all our citizens.

As the Mahatma said, non-violence “is a rule of conduct for society if it is to live consistently with human dignity and make progress towards the attainment of peace for which it has been yearning for ages past.” If we, governments, communities and individuals, truly want to live in peace, there is no other way to go

Update the oil price

Oil settles above USD75, following Wall St gains

US light, sweet crude for March delivery settled at USD75.28 a barrel, up 76 cents. Oil prices rose 1 percent to above USD75 a barrel Thursday as a pledge by European leaders to support Greece sparked investor interest in riskier assets.
London Brent crude settled at USD73.05 a barrel, up 51

Lepas Bapa, Anak Apa Nak Jadi............

Nurul Izzah jadi calon PM?

Biar betul kau orang ini, lagi baik letak Wan Azizah aja la. Apa PKR sudah jadi milik keluarga Anuar. Kau orang bagi rakyat jadi gila la. Tetapi bagus juga, baru boleh buat kerja tipu, pasal PM yang di lantik itu bukan tahu apa pun. Woi u olang gila ka , u olang ahli politik ka kaki raja lawak.

Lihatlah, ini credibility pembakang, kalaulah pembakang menang pada PRU 13. Habis negara ini di lingkupkan oleh parti pembakang. Sebagai seorang yang matang adakah Nurul Izzah layak menjadi PM adoi sakit kepala daa..........nak fikir. Haaa! betul juga baru DAP boleh cali makan dan penyangak-penyangak boleh cari makan betul-betul-betul hahahahahahahahaha

APA CLASS U ORANG WOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakatan Rakyat next Presiden, Sebab Pakatan tarak jantan

Jangan jadi Barua Anuar

77 laporan polis luah bantahan

AZHARI Shaari (tengah) menujukkan laporan polis menentang `Kempen Bebaskan Anuar 901’ sambil wakil-wakil sayap Barisan Nasional berdemostrasi membantah kempen berkenaan di pekarangan Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Shah Alam, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 30 Dis. – Sebanyak 77 laporan polis dibuat di seluruh negara hari ini meminta pihak berkuasa menyiasat serta mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap pihak yang cuba melancarkan perhimpunan haram menerusi ‘Kempen Bebaskan Anwar 901’.

Daripada jumlah itu, sebanyak 49 laporan polis dibuat di Selangor apabila Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO bahagian mengetuai beberapa pertubuhan politik dan bukan kerajaan membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Shah Alam.

Turut membuat laporan di Selangor adalah beberapa pertubuhan di daerah Kuala Langat yang mengemukakan 11 laporan polis.

Sebanyak 28 lagi laporan polis dibuat masing-masing sembilan di Pahang, enam di Sabah dan Terengganu, Kuala Lumpur (4), Perak (2) serta satu di Pulau Pinang.

Selain Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Shah Alam, antara pertubuhan-pertubuhan lain yang membuat laporan di Shah Alam adalah Putera MIC Shah Alam, Putera MIC Selangor, Parti Progresif Penduduk (PPP) Selangor dan individu perseorangan yang membuat laporan di IPD daerah pada pukul 4 petang.

Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Shah Alam, Azhari Shaari berkata, tindakan pihak yang menganjurkan kempen berkenaan adalah tidak wajar kerana ia jelas tidak menghormati proses undang-undang di negara ini.

Katanya, selain mencetuskan huru-hara dan menggugat keselamatan orang ramai, kempen itu turut memberikan banyak kesan buruk terhadap kestabilan negara dari segi imej sehinggalah kepada aktiviti pembangunan negara dari segi sosial dan ekonomi.

“Kita menentang ‘Kempen Bebaskan Anwar 901’ yang dikatakan akan diadakan menjelang keputusan perbicaraan kes liwat Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 9 Januari ini.

“Kempen ini dilihat satu usaha yang tidak sihat kepada keamanan negara. Kempen ini juga dilihat seperti menghasut serta mencetuskan kebencian rakyat terhadap institusi perundangan di negara ini,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas membuat laporan polis.

Turut hadir, Timbalan Pengerusi Putera MIC Selangor, A. Arvind; Timbalan Setiausaha Putera MIC Shah Alam, A. Prevrnavan dan Naib Ketua Pemuda PPP Selangor, Azli Rahman.

Di Kuala Langat, antara pertubuhan yang membuat laporan adalah Perkasa, Persatuan Jawa Kuala Langat, Persatuan Bugis, Kelab Motosikal Berkuasa Tinggi Jugra dan Pertubuhan Perkumpulan Wanita Kuala Langat.

Ini kah perangai Anuar.............

Siapa Kita Dan Apa Ugama Kita???

Siapa kita?
Nama saya, umur saya, nama bapa saya, nama ibu saya dan banyak lagi yang memperkenalkan indintiti kita dan apa ugama kita Islam, Bhudha, Hindu, Kristian dan lain-lain lagi.

Ini adalah indintiti seseorang yang menunjukkan siapa kita. Jadi semua ini adalah penting bagi seseorang, jika kita berjaya dalam kerja raya kita , seluruh keluarga dan keturunan kita merasa bangga keatas kejayaan kita ,kalau kita gagal dalam hidupan kita atau memalukan diri kita, seluruh keluarga dan keturunan merasa malu atas sebab kesalahan kita.

Jika individu tersebut bersalah dan telah di buktikan kesalahannya. Hukuman tetap di jatuhkan keatas individu tersebut. Dengan mengikut undang-undang yang sedia ada dan sebelum itu individu tersebut di beri peluang untuki melantik peguam untuk membela diri di makahmah. Selepas dia di bela, kemudian hakim akan menetukan adakah individu itu bersalah atau tidak, jika individu tersebut bersalah akan di jatuhkan hukuman yang setimpal dengan kesalahan yang di lakukan oleh individu tersebut.

Adakah wajar jikalau sebelum individu tersebut di buktikan bersalah menheboh-hebohkan bahawa undang-undang yang sedia ada  tidak adil pada zaman ini dan kita ketinggalan zaman untuk melarikan diri daripada kesalahan yang di buat oleh individu tersebut. Ini telah membuktikan pada kita sebelum di jatukan hukuman pada individu tersebut dia bersalah atas pemikiran logik kita.

Yang saya katakan individu tesebut adalah Dato Seri Anuar Ibrahim beliau sedang menjelahjah seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia untuk membuat ceramah bahawa beliau tak bersalah sebelum di jatuhkan hukuman keatas beliau. Ini telah membuktikan bahawa sebelum di jatuhkan hukuman beliau mengatakan bahawa beliau tak bersalah. Mengikut logik akal sebelum hukuman di jatuhkan oleh makahmah terhadap beliau mengheboh-hebohkan beliau telah difitnah dan tak bersalah.

.Bagi kita yang berugama Islam ada panduan untuk hidup di bumi ini ,adalah Sunah Nabi dan Al Quran. Pada zaman Nabi Luth Allah SWT telah menurunkan bala pada kaum Nabi Luth kerana melakukan sex dengan sama jenis. Sebagai orang Islam kita di larang berkahwin atau meniduri dengan sama jenis. Tetapi Dato Seri Anuar Ibrahim telah melaporkan pada Human Right Wacth di New York bahawa undang-undang Malaysia perlu di tukar ini tidak adil. Ugama kita melarang melakukan sex atau berkahwin dengan sama jenis. Anuar dalah seorang beragama Islam apa yang di lakukan oleh beliau cuba menukarkan undang-undang sebegini dan juga seorang pemimpin, memberi ruang pada anak-anak muda supaya melakukan benda yang tak senonoh ini.

Inilah laporan dari New York oleh Human Right Wacth

Malaysia: Revoke Law Banning Same-Sex Sexual Relations
Drop Case against Ex-Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim
DECEMBER 22, 2011

Laws punishing consensual sexual relations between adults of the same sex are an unjustifiable invasion of the rights to privacy and personal security. They foster a climate in which discrimination and abuse takes place. These rights cannot be willed away by selective appeals to cultural tradition and religious belief.
Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director
(New York) – The Malaysian government should revoke its colonial-era law criminalizing consensual sexual acts between people of the same sex, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should drop their criminal case alleging consensual “sodomy” against opposition leader and former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is awaiting the verdict in his trial that began in February 2010.

“The Malaysian government uses its outdated sodomy law to slander political opponents and critics,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Whether or not Anwar Ibrahim engaged in consensual ‘sodomy’ is irrelevant. It’s time to reject this law and end the farcical political theater that promotes discrimination based on sexual orientation and destroys people’s lives.”

On June 28, 2008, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, then a 23-year-old aide to Anwar, filed a police complaint accusing Anwar of having forcibly sodomizing him two days earlier. The charges were later changed to consensual sodomy, after the authorities determined that Anwar, a 60-year-old with a bad back, was physically incapable of compelling the young man to engage in acts against his will. The complainant avoided being charged because he had reported the incident and asserted he needed protection.

Anwar is being tried under section 377 of the Malaysian penal code, which prohibits “carnal intercourse against the order of nature.” This so-called sodomy law is a relic of British colonial rule dating back to the mid-19th century. Conviction could result in a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Leading members of the Commonwealth of Nations, to which Malaysia belongs, called for the abolition of sodomy laws during the recently concluded summit meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

As a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Malaysia has agreed to “uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights.” Revoking the sodomy law would be consistent with Malaysia’s undertakings as a Human Rights Council member, Human Rights Watch said.

In 1994, the Human Rights Committee, the UN body of experts that monitors civil and political rights, held that sodomy laws violate the right to privacy and non-discrimination. The Yogyakarta Principles, a set of international legal principles on the application of international law to human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity, call on states to, “Repeal all laws that criminalize consensual sexual activity among persons of the same sex who are over the age of consent.” A November 2011 report by the UN high commissioner for human rights, which will be presented to the Human Rights Council in March 2012, recommended that UN member states “repeal laws used to criminalize individuals on grounds of homosexuality for engaging in consensual same-sex sexual conduct.”

Appeals to cultural or social exceptionalism do not overrule international human rights standards. The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, which was adopted by consensus at the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993, provides that, “It is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms.” In his 2010 Human Rights Day statement, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rejected discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and said that, “Where there is a tension between cultural attitudes and universal human rights, rights must carry the day.”

This is the second time Anwar Ibrahim has been arrested on allegations of sodomy. His previous trial for sodomy, which resulted in a conviction in 2000 and a nine-year prison sentence, was marred by rights violations throughout. Upon being arrested on September 20, 1998, Anwar was beaten by the police chief at that time, resulting in severe facial injuries. Due process violations included lack of access to legal counsel; witness intimidation; harassment of his lawyers; and major problems with the prosecution’s evidence. The conviction was overturned in 2004.

“Laws punishing consensual sexual relations between adults of the same sex are an unjustifiable invasion of the rights to privacy and personal security,” Robertson said. “They foster a climate in which discrimination and abuse takes place. These rights cannot be willed away by selective appeals to cultural tradition and religious belief.
Kalau engkau jadi Perdana Menteri kita, hancurlah negara ini. Wahai saudara dan saudari yang dihormati cuba lihat apa Anuar hendak lakukan pada negara yang aman dan damai ini.

Anak Manusia Jadi Haiwan

Layan dua anak macam haiwan

DUA beradik dirantai dan dikurung dalam tandas oleh bapa mereka di Taman Mawar, Raja Uda, Butterworth sebelum diselamatkan polis dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), semalam. Gambar kecil kaki kanak-kanak yang dirantai oleh bapanya.

LELAKI yang disyaki mengurung dan merantai dua anaknya yang berusia enam dan dua tahun di Taman Mawar, Raja Uda, Butterworth.BUTTERWORTH: Dua beradik diperlakukan seperti haiwan oleh bapa sendiri yang mengikat kaki mereka dengan rantai besi dan dikunci dengan mangga selain dikurung dalam tandas kotor selama lebih lima jam dalam kelaparan.

Dalam kejadian di rumah mereka di Taman Mawar, Raja Uda, di sini, kelmarin, lelaki berusia 40-an itu mengikat kaki kiri anak perempuannya berusia enam tahun serta anak lelakinya berusia dua tahun ketika hendak keluar bekerja kira-kira jam 3 petang.

Suspek yang bekerja di sebuah syarikat penghantaran mendakwa bertindak demikian kerana anaknya nakal dan tiada orang menjaga mereka ketika dia keluar bekerja. Lelaki itu dikatakan sudah berpisah dengan isterinya dipercayai warga Thailand yang meninggalkan rumah sebulan lalu.
Ketika diselamatkan kira-kira jam 8.40 malam, dua beradik itu yang hanya berbaju dan berseluar dalam, berada dalam keadaan yang amat menyedihkan. Bapa mereka yang pulang ketika dua kanak-kanak itu diselamatkan, ditahan polis bagi membantu siasatan.

Ketua Polis Daerah Seberang Prai Utara (SPU), Asisten Komisioner Zulkifli Alias, berkata kejadian menimpa dua beradik itu disedari jirannya apabila terdengar jeritan mereka meminta tolong.

Jiran mereka menghubungi polis kira-kira jam 8 malam dan sepasukan polis ke tempat kejadian bersama-sama pegawai Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) bagi menyelamatkan dua beradik itu.

Kanak-kanak itu kini dirawat di Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ), manakala bapa mereka ditahan reman empat hari mulai semalam bagi membantu siasatan mengikut Seksyen 31 (1) Akta Kanak-Kanak 2011.
Sementara itu, seorang saksi yang enggan dikenali, berkata dua kanak-kanak itu kelihatan kelaparan ketika ditemui dan dalam keadaan yang amat menyedihkan.

“Apabila kami berikan roti, mereka memakannya dengan lahap, keadaan mereka amat menyedihkan kerana ditempatkan dalam tandas yang kotor,” katanya sambil menambah kanak-kanak lelaki itu tidak memakai seluar.

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesihatan, Alam Sekitar dan Masyarakat Penyayang negeri, Phee Boon Poh, berkata JKM sudah memulakan siasatan berhubung kejadian itu.

"Sementara menunggu siasatan selesai, mereka akan ditempatkan di pusat jagaan JKM mengikut Seksyen 15 Akta Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak. Kami akan mencadangkan supaya ibu bapa kanak-kanak itu mengikuti sesi kaunseling bagi mengelakkan insiden sama berulang

36 dana al-Arqam

EKSKLUSIF: 36 dana al-Arqam

2011/12/30Gerakan ajaran sesat berlindung di sebalik sekolah persendirian, rumah anak yatim bina semula kumpulan

PUTRAJAYA: Al-Arqam, pertubuhan ajaran sesat yang diharamkan kerajaan pada 1994 dikesan bergiat aktif di seluruh negara dengan pendekatan dan taktik baru termasuk menggunakan 36 sekolah persendirian dan rumah anak yatim bagi mengumpul dana dan ahli

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Ini Masage , Jangan Main Api...................

NGA Tuduh PELURU HIDUP Datang Dari Manjung


Selepas pelbagai kontroversi perkauman dan salah laku yag dilakukan oleh Adun Pantai Remis, Nga Kor Ming, semalam pemimpin DAP itu mendakwa menerima peluru hidup yang dihantar melalui pos ke rumah ibu beliau.

Nampaknya ada individu yang begitu panas hati dengan perlaku Nga yang semakin berani atau mungkin peluru itu dihantar sendiri ke rumahnya dan kemudian beliau mendakwa mendapat ugutan bunuh. Semua itu lakonan biasa bagi pemimpin pembangkang.

Apa yang peliknya, dalam sidang media yang dibuat Nga semalam tidak ada langsung raut wajah takut atau gerun dengan ugutan itu malah perilaku beliau lebih dasyat dari selalu dimana dengan lantangnya Nga mendakwa surat yang mengandungi peluru itu dihantar dari Manjung.

Adakah Nga secara ‘indirect’ sedang membuat tuduhan ke atas orang Barisan Nasional namun masyarakat perlu sedar sepupu Nga iaitu Ngeh Khoo Ham merupakan Adun Setiawan. Terdapat kemungkinan ia dihantar oleh mereka sendiri.

Malah Nga mendakwa cop pendaftaran yang kurang jelas di bahagian sampul surat itu namun ada beberepa perkataan yang jelas kelihatan diaman tertulis ‘MA…..’ dan ia menguatkan prasangka beliau yang kononnya peluru hidup itu dihantar dari Manjung.

Wahai Nga, dalam Perak terdapat banyak tempat yang namanya mempunyai perkataan atau huruf “MA…..”,senang-senang sahaja beliau mendakwa peluru itu dari “MAnjung”. Kenapa tidak dituduh peluru itu dihantar dari “MAlim Nawar” atau “Tanjung MAlim”.

Nampak sangat ada niat tertentu peluru itu dihantar dan ada logiknya ia dihantar sendiri oleh mana-mana pemimpin DAP sebagai mainan politik mereka.

Selain itu, Nga juga mempertikaian tindakan individu berkenaan yang menghantar peluru hidup itu ke rumah ibunya.

“Saya tidak tidak tahu mengapa peluru hidup ini dihantar melalui pos ke rumah ibu saya… ini adalah sesuatu yang serius dalam soal politik kita tidak harus melibatkan ahli keluarga apatah lagi ibu seseorang itu”

Demikianlah kata Nga pada sidang media itu. Pandai betul pemimpin putar belit ini berkata-kata.

Sebelum ini iaitu pada Persidangan Dewan Undangan Nereri yang berlangsung awal Disember 2010, isu apa yang pembangkang mainkan kalau tidak pertikaian yang membabitkan ibu Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir.

Beginilah resam Pakatan Rakyat, bila mereka yang terkena maka yang menjadi tuduhan semuanya orang UMNO yang buat, begitu juga apa yang berlaku sekarang dimana ketika mereka sibuk mengheret ibu Zambry dalam modal politik mereka pada sidang dun ketika itu tidak ada salahnya pula. Namun hari ini apabila menerima peluru yang di pos ke alamat rumah ibu Nga, maka bertempik terlolonglah pemimpin Pakatab Rakyat.

Dapat dilihat tidak ada demokrasinya dalam amalan biasa DAP ini kan jika mereka yang mentadbir negara.

Pandai menuduh dan kononnya menyelar tindakan penghantar peluru ke rumah ibunya namun bagaimana pula tomahan dan penghinaan yang dilemparkan ke atas Zambry berkaitan isu rumah ibunya di Pulau Pangkor.

Memang tidak dinafikan, Nga cuba meraih kembali simpati rakyat terutama kaum Cina setelah nama beliau semakin busuk dalam arena politik berikutan pelbagai aktiviti haram yang dilakukan ketika mentadbir Perak selama 11 bulan lalu terbongkar sedikit demi sedikit.

Malah akibat kelancangan mulut durjana Nga juga nampaknya telah menyebabkan rakyat semakin menolak DAP berikutan sikap majority pemimpin parti itu yang rasis

Haiti Mengalami Gempa bumi

President Preval: Haiti quake death toll could be 300,000
Published on February 22, 2010

Presiden Preval: Haiti quake death tollcould be 300,000

Preval was attending a summit of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) Sunday in Cancun, Mexico, where he offered the latest and highest estimate of fatalities in the 7-magnitude quake, which struck January 12.Cancun, Mexico - Haitian President Rene Preval said Sunday that the death toll in the earthquake that destroyed much of Port- au-Prince and areas surrounding Haiti's capital could reach as high as 300,000.

He issued a new plea to the international community for immediate relief and long-term help to rebuild and refound Haiti, which was already the poorest country in the western hemisphere before the disaster.

The known death toll is already at least 217,000, but tens of thousands of victims could still be buried in the rubble

Makanan yang kotor di makan oleh golongan yang susah......

Chile di landa gempa bumi dan Tsunami

Lebih kurang 300 orang meniggal gempa bumi di Chile dan beratus orang di percayai hilang, akibat gegaran 8.8 magnatude yang terkuat dalam sejarah Amerika Latin. Srbanyak 630,000 penduduk terputus bekalan
air, elektri dan lain-lain lagi.


Padan muka kau Adnan Adli

Nasib kau bagus babe, gatal pasai apa ..................

Berani mereka mencabar .................

Dalam UM pun berpolitik baguslah kau orang.

Ini Babi !!! Berani kau orang buat macam ini Ya Allah

Aduhai!!! Siapa yang buat mesti Allah SWT bagi bala pada mereka yang berkenaan. Saya tak berani nak sebut siapa yang salah. Pandangan saya mereka yang berkenaan pasti..................................saya tak berani nak sebut

Semalam Pas kata pecah amanah hari ini lain la pulak

Dakwaan guna wang zakat berbaur politik 

PUTRAJAYA 29 Dis. - Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi), Datuk Che Mat Che Ali menyifatkan dakwaan penggunaan wang zakat bagi pembayaran kos guaman Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom dan dua yang lain, sebagai berbaur politik.

Che Mat, yang juga setiausaha Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) berkata, kes seperti itu sepatutnya tidak timbul kerana pembayaran tersebut dibuat dengan menggunakan peruntukan geran kerajaan.

"Oleh demikian, ada sesetengah individu yang nak sebut kita menyeleweng duit dan sebagainya, adalah tidak betul sama sekali demi mempertahankan kesucian umat Islam dan kredibiliti MAIWP sebagai satu-satunya badan berkuasa agama di Wilayah Persekutuan,” katanya kepada pemberita di pejabatnya, di sini hari ini

Kalau tak salah saman aja laa , apa nak susah. Kan zaman sekarang saman -meyaman di antara satu sama lain budaya politik zaman moden . Hahahahahaha macam ni PAS pun sama juga. Suka tuduh orang buat tu, buat ni atau ada udang di sebalik meehun. Macam-macam daa

U all nak ambik...........

Lepas Ini Jangan Tuduh BN Bawa Pengundi Hantu

PENGERUSI Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Berhubung Penambahbaikkan Proses Pilihan Raya (PSC), Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili (tengah) menunjukkan kepada Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) dan pembangkang di Parlimen, hari ini berkenaan penggunaan dakwat kekal yang akan dicalit pada jari pengundi (gambar kecil). Kaedah ini masih dalam proses kajian Jabatan Kimia dan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan. 

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Jumpa Di Malaysia Mampus Lu


Namanya Vincent Raj. Bukan warganegara Malaysia atau Singapura tetapi adalah bertaraf Penduduk Tetap Singapura. Keturunannya adalah India tapi beragama Kristian.

Kalaulah saya jumpa dia .............................saya syukur pada Allah SWT, kerana memberi peluang mengajar dia apa ertinya warna merah...........eeeeeeeeeee geramnya .

Kalau Betul Tangkap Dia............

Mana suara mufti zakat biayai guaman menteri

KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Dis: Dewan Pemuda PAS Wilayah Persekutuan (DPPWP) meminta para ulama dan Mufti di negara ini bersuara dengan memberikan pandangan terhadap isu penggunaan duit zakat untuk tujuan membayar kos guaman Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.

Timbalan Ketuanya, Mohamad Suhaimi Abdul Aziz berkata pandangan segera para ulama dan Mufti penting bagi mengelakkan timbulnya pelbagai persepsi negatif dari umat Islam di negara ini terhadap institusi zakat dan pemimpin yang berkuasa menjaga institusi tersebut.

Katanya, isu sama ada duit tersebut telah dikembalikan tidak timbul kerana persoalan pokok yang perlu dijawab adalah bolehkah duit zakat digunakan untuk kepentingan peribadi pemimpin.

"Sebagai pemimpin yang berkuasa dalam urusan hal ehwal umat Islam di negara ini, sepatutnya beliau memegang amanah ini sebaiknya.

"Wang zakat perlu diuruskan dengan betul dan disalurkan ke tempat yang sewajarnya. Wang zakat tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya dikeluarkan selain dari urusan yang selayaknya," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Adakah benar , kenyataan yang di keluarkan oleh Dewan Pemuda Pas Wilahyah Persekutuan (DPPWP). Kalau betul lebih baik Menteri tersebut meletakkan jawatan dan bertaubat dan minta pihak berkuasa mengambil langkah kepada menteri tersebut kerana pecah amanah.............

Sister Telah Memeluk Islam


Cuba dengar dengan video klip ini sugguh menakjupkan seorang sister yang kuat dengan ugama kristian, selepas mendapat Rahmat dan Hidahyah dari Allah Yang Maha Agung beliau telah memeluk Islam.

Apa-Apa Aja la

Adakah benar atau ada udang sebalik mee

Adakah benar hanya Allah Yang Maha Esa yang tahu, walau apa pun kita tunggu dan lihat ..............

Anuar wanted to say by,by

Anwar on 18-stop tour before Sodomy II verdict
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim will be embarking on a whirlwind tour across the peninsula during the run-up to the Sodomy II verdict on Jan 9

Pasai apa nak jelajah satu Malaysia, nak dapatkan balas kesian atau nak buat kecoh dalam negara ini ka cik. Hang pi masuk dalam dulu cik. Saya pernah dengar Don 1 dan Don II hai Sodomy II pun ada ish,ish,ish,ish cobaan.............. 

Is this good for him???



Gambar di atas sudah tersebar luas di fesbuk sejak malam semalam. Tidak diketahui siapakah remaja tersebut. Tidak tahu samada remaja biadap tersebut adalah:-

anak koliang ke,
anak campuran koliang dengan Cina DAP ke,
anak campuran impot Tiger Eelam mari ke ,
anak kepada ahli Dewan Penyokong PAS ke,
ahli remaja koliang AMK ke,
anak saudara Isham Rais ke,
anak ikan baru Anwar Ibrahim ke,
anak warga Malaysia ker,
anak warga Bangla ke,
anak warga Indon ke,
anakwarga Singapura ke,
anak angkat kak wan Jijah ke ,
rakan seblowjob Adam Adli ke,
atau ahli HINDRAF.

Tengoklah malam nanti kemungkinan besar hamba akan mendedahkan PROTOKOL HINDU. Rupa-rupanya masih ada pihak yang cuba megeruhkan keadaan dan memangkin konflik antara agama di Malaysia ini.

Harap pihak berkuasa yang duduk sebagai Menteri KDN termasuklah para jejuaknya yang ada bajet beli ranking alexa siasatlah segera siapakah manusia Dajal tersebut.

Jangan jadi seperti hari itu, bila ada sepasukan Dajal datang ke Putrajaya dikatakan tidak perlu ambil tindakan sebab 'bilangannya tak ramai' Ini bukan soal ramai atau tidak tetapi soal MARUAH yang tidak boleh di beli macam membeli ranking alexa.


Nak Bermusuh Dengan Islam..................

Ambil tindakan terhadap Hong Seng - Perkasa

Ibrahim Ali bersama para pemimpin Perkasa pada sidang media berhubung beberapa isu termasuk kenyataan seorang paderi dan perhimpunan membela Anwar Ibrahim di Kuala Lumpur, semalam. 

KUALA LUMPUR 27 Dis. - Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) mendesak kerajaan supaya mengambil tindakan ke atas Dr. Eu Hong Seng di bawah Akta Hasutan kerana mempersoalkan mengenai Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Presidennya, Datuk Ibrahim Ali berkata, ini kerana kenyataan Pengerusi National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) itu pada majlis minum petang di sebuah gereja di Subang Jaya, Sabtu lalu itu berbentuk provokasi, menghasut dan tidak bertanggungjawab.

Jelasnya, kenyataan itu juga menggambarkan beliau serta mana-mana pihak yang mempertikaikan mengenai perkara tersebut seolah-olah mahu 'bermusuh' dengan orang Melayu dan Islam.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Wow!!! Dalam Kawasan Masjid Pun Berani Khalwat

KOTA BHARU, 28 Dis - Pasangan remaja belasan tahun ditangkap dalam satu serbuan oleh jemaah masjid di Kampung Pasir Tumboh setelah menyedari terdapat motosikal diletakkan di pekarangan kawasan tersebut, semalam.

Seorang penduduk memberi­tahu beliau melihat seorang remaja perempuan yang ber­baju kurung memasuki bilik mandi bersebelahan dengan tandas wanita. Sejurus itu seorang lelaki yang mencurigakan memasuki bilik sama. Penduduk tersebut terus memaklumkan kepada jemaah masjid yang bersiap sedia untuk mengerjakan solat.

Apabila bilik mandi tersebut diserbu, remaja lelaki tersebut keluar dan melarikan diri, dengan meninggalkan teman wanitanya yang kemudiannya menyusul keluar dengan berpakaian lengkap.

Bagaimanapun remaja lelaki terbabit yang cuba melarikan diri dari masjid itu berjaya ditahan semula oleh penduduk kampung kira-kira 200 meter dari masjid tersebut. Keluarga pasangan terbabit dipanggil dan datang ke tempat kejadian untuk berbincang sebelum membawa pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

Pasangan terbabit dipercayai bukan penduduk di kawasan berkenaan tetapi perbuatan keji itu mengejut jemaah masjid dan penduduk kampung apabila terserempak mereka melakukan perbuatan maksiat di dalam bilik mandi yang terletak di dalam kawasan masjid

Nak kaya cepat kut???

Kes rasuah Iskandar RM1.6 juta


KUALA LUMPUR 27 Dis. – Lebih ramai individu akan didakwa selepas seorang ahli perniagaan dihadapkan di Mahkamah Sesyen Johor Bahru hari ini atas tiga tuduhan meminta dan menerima rasuah bernilai RM1.6 juta tahun lalu dalam skandal projek mega Iskandar Malaysia.

Individu itu termasuk seorang kenamaan bergelar Datuk yang berpengaruh selain beberapa pegawai kanan Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) dan individu yang disyaki berperanan sebagai orang tengah.

Kesemua individu berusia 40-an yang dipercayai melakukan jenayah dalam skandal yang disifatkan sebagai terancang itu, dijangka didakwa dalam masa terdekat setelah selesai mengumpul bukti dan mengambil keterangan.

KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Dis: Pemuda PAS membantah keras kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom yang mahu membawa kesemua kes murtad ke mahkamah sivil dan bukan lagi Mahkamah Syariah seperti sebelum ini.

Wow!!! kalau nak bawa ke makahmah sivil banyak la pulak yang nak jadi murtad. Pasal apa makahmah syariah tak adil ke, atau nak kebebasan dari Allah SWT. dan nak join venture dengan Syaitan. Saya seorang yang biasa dan Allah SWT yang menetukan segala sesuatu tetapi saya perlu ingatkan pada saudara dan saudari sebab ini tanggungjawap saya .

Ugama Islam adalah ugama yang snagat-sangat adil tidak ada kekurangan dalam Islam , yang ada kekurangan adalah manusia. Kalau rakyat buat kesalahan kita permimpin perlu mengambil langkah dan mengajar mereka ini lah caranya. Upamanya kalau anak-anak kita nak ini itu, kita sebagai keluarga yang bertanggungjawap perlu faham apa yang boleh di bagi dan apa yang tak boleh .

 Saya setuju dengan Pemuda Pas.

Tolonglah Saudara Dan Saudari Kita............

MAPIM tetap bina hospital kanak-kanak di Gaza

GEORGETOWN 27 Dis. - Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (MAPIM) akan meneruskan projek pembinaan hospital kanak-kanak di Gaza, Palestin, walaupun kerajaan negara itu pimpinan Hamas tidak dapat memberi jaminan keselamatan.

Setiausahanya, Mohd. Azmi Abdul Hamid berkata, MAPIM akan memastikan misi membuka sebuah hospital di negara itu akan tercapai ekoran ia adalah keperluan yang kritikal bagi rakyat Palestin.

"Di Gaza hanya terdapat sebuah hospital manakala bekalan ubat dan tenaga pakar tidak mencukupi, kami dapati sebuah hospital kanak-kanak diperlukan di sana kerana 56 peratus penduduk Gaza terdiri daripada kanak-kanak,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata, pembinaan hospital 10 tingkat yang berharga RM100 juta itu dijangka siap sepenuhnya dalam tempoh lima tahun

Jangan Adik-Adik................

Tindakan ke atas mahasiswa terlibat kegiatan pelampau

KUALA LUMPUR 27 Dis. - Mahasiswa yang terlibat dengan sebarang kegiatan pelampau di luar universiti akan dikenakan tindakan gantung pembelajaran ataupun gugur taraf sebagai seorang mahasiswa.

Timbalan Penasihat Kanan Pejabat Perundangan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Khirul Anuar Che Azmi berkata, hukuman yang dijatuhkan bergantung kepada peraturan yang sedia ada.

“Seorang mahasiswa, Adam Adli yang bertindak menurunkan bendera tertera gambar Perdana Menteri, boleh dijatuhkan hukuman dibuang daripada universiti atau digantung pembelajaran selama dua semester.

“Contoh kes itu dipandang sebagai satu kes yang serius dan ia bergantung kepada Jawatankuasa Tatatertib Pelajar di universitinya untuk hukuman,” katanya.

Katanya lagi, semua mahasiswa yang ditahan atas kesalahan disiplin akan diadili di peringkat universiti di mana mahasiswa ini akan dibicara dahulu oleh Jawatankuasa Tatatertib Pelajar. 

Is This Fare To The People OF Egypt


Egypt bans forced virginity tests by military

Hundreds cheer court order abolishing mandatory examinations of female detainees in military prisons.

Egyptian women have demonstrated against the military's harsh treatment of female protesters [Reuters]

An Egyptian court has ordered a halt to forced virginity tests on female detainees in military prisons.

The case, which was decided on Tuesday, was filed by Samira Ibrahim, a woman who said the army forced her to undergo a virginity test in March after she was arrested during a protest in central Cairo's Tahrir Square.

Human rights organisations say that there have been many other such tests by the military.

"The court orders that the execution of the procedure of virginity tests on girls inside military prisons be stopped,"
Judge Aly Fekry, head of the Cairo Administrative court, said.

Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal, reporting from Cairo, said the verdict was cheered by hundreds of who had gathered inside the courtroom to hear the ruling read out.

"Today's verdict to ban any form of virginity test [in military prisons] will be seen by many as vindication for their criticism of the military over the past few months," our correspondent said.

"This is something that will draw more criticism to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces - not so much the military itself, but its leadership.

Cakap serupa bikin.........II

6 syarikat minat labur RM750j

Lagi firma asing buka operasi di Taman Bioteknologi Bio-Xcell Nusajaya 

TAMAN Bioteknologi Bio-Xcell Nusajaya bakal menerima pelaburan asing baru berjumlah kira-kira RM750 juta apabila enam lagi syarikat industri bioteknologi dan penjagaan kesihatan global sudah menyatakan minat untuk membuka operasi di situ.

Ketua Eksekutif Malaysian Bio-XCell Sdn Bhd, Rizatuddin Ramli, berkata ketika ini pihaknya sedang mengadakan rundingan lanjut dengan syarikat berkenaan dan pengumuman berhubung pelaburan itu akan diumumkan dalam tempoh terdekat selepas ia dimuktamadkan.
Katanya, RM750 juta itu adalah jumlah pelaburan awal yang dijangka dibawa masuk keenam-enam syarikat itu bagi membangunkan kemudahan dan teknologi masing-masing di taman bioteknologi berkenaan.

“Ketika ini, jumlah pelaburan terkumpul di taman teknologi ini sudah mencecah RM1 bilion. Pelaburan baru daripada enam syarikat itu mungkin tidak begitu tinggi, tetapi ia tetap memberi sumbangan positif kepada pelaburan keseluruhan taman bioteknologi ini.

“Kami masih berunding dan secara asasnya mereka bersetuju. Pelaburan itu akan membawa kami hampir kepada sasaran memiliki 15 peserta, sekali gus melengkapkan ekosistem bioteknologi taman ini.

Rizatuddin berkata, semua pelabur baru dipilih berdasarkan rancangan melengkapkan dan menyokong ekosistem bioteknologi di taman itu tanpa mewujudkan persaingan antara pelabur sedia ada dan pelabur berpotensi.
Katanya, kerjasama dan sinergi itu akan mewujudkan ekosistem bioteknologi yang baik dan lengkap untuk kemapanan industri menjana idea baru dan produk bioteknologi yang berkualiti.

“Taman ini hanya untuk peserta bioteknologi yang terbabit dalam industri dan penjagaan kesihatan. Konsep ini perlu dikekalkan untuk memelihara ekosistem masing-masing kerana kedua-dua industri ini bakal memerlukan kemahiran baru yang menjadi nadi utama menghasilkan produk bioteknologi untuk tempoh 20 hingga 30 tahun akan datang.

“Kami berharap akan memenuhkan kapasiti kawasan ini dalam fasa kedua iaitu dalam tempoh tiga tahun dari sekarang, Insya-Allah apabila dibuka secara komersial pada 2013 mereka semua akan mula beroperasi di sana,” katanya.

Monday, 26 December 2011

This world is sux...............

Dunia ini penuh dengan kejahatan ...........

The WORLD sux, but there is no reason why you should too. 
You want the simple answer to making a difference in the XXXX up world? 
Before you *check out*, why don`t YOU make just one persons life better. 
Just ONE, old, young, mid-aged person that you come in contact with. Just do something for somebody else. Put THEIR situation before yours. Get off your ass and go to your neighbor or next stranger and ask if there is anything you can do to help them.....physically, financially, emotionally....ANYTHING. 

I go to the Lake, and when I see someone on the shore, and I`m in a boat, I ask if they would like to ride along the shore to fish or swim. If I`m on the shore, and I see someone needing something.....a lure, a drink of water, a BEER or Soda, I walk over and hand it to them and walk away. 

It`s NOT differcult Slave, get off your ASS and offer to help another and soon you won`t be whining as much. OH SURE, the world will STILL SUCK, but at least not your little part of it as much. You`ll see it in the other persons eyes, their speach, if only for a moment, but you`ll know it in your HEART FOREVER! 

Try it...don`t be *chicken*, after you finish reading this post, shut down your friggen computer, walk out the xxxx`n door and DO SOMETHING for someone! 


"MAN will PREY on Man, until MAN PRAYS for Man"

Askar Amerika Memeluk Agama Islam..........

Askar Amerika Syarikat yang beragama Kristian Catholic memeluk Islam

Adakah Negara Kita Akan Mengalami Apa Yang Di Alami Negara Greece???

Towards a bankrupt Malaysia?

 Looks at the worrying rising trend of federal government debt and wonders if Malaysia will go bankrupt. At our current rate of borrowing, it won’t take long before we become another Greece.
Figure 1: Outstanding debt of the Malaysian federal government - Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

That the budget that was tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on 7 October 2011 was an election budget is very clear. There have been numerous detailed comments on the budget by politicians and analysts (since then). In this article, we are just going to focus on one of the long term issues from the budget. It concerns the increasing debt burden of the federal government.

How big is the government debt?

The accompanying chart shows the federal government’s outstanding debt at the end of the successive years. As can be seen, the debt has been increasing since 1970. From the detailed data available form Bank Negara’s website, in 1991, it reached a temporary peak of RM99bn and then decreased to RM90bn by 1997. From then, it has been virtually doubling every five years. By the end of 2011, we can expect the figure to reach RM450bn.

In other words, since the Asian crisis of 1998, we have been growing by borrowing heavily. In the 10 years since 1999, our debt has quadrupled. If we continue on this path, by 2020, our national debt will reach RM1.6 trillion. If our population is 40 million then, each Malaysian will have a debt burden of more than RM40000 and this does not include our own personal borrowing. Assuming an interest rate of 5 per cent, paying the interest alone will cost the taxpayers RM80bn per year!

The government has been reassuring us by saying that our debt is manageable. It argues that the debt at the end of 2012 will be only 54 per cent of our GDP, which is relatively low compared to the current crisis nations like Greece and Italy. (GDP is a measure of the total value of all the goods and services produced in a year in the country.) While it may not reach the levels of Greece by 2012, at our current rate of borrowing it won’t take long before we become another Greece. Just to put this in perspective, our giant neighbour, Indonesia has a debt of only 23 per cent of GDP! Singapore has no debts.

The federal government debt alone does not tell the full story. Many government-owned enterprises also have borrowings. If these figures are included, then the total debt would be much higher. It is difficult to get the complete data on these borrowings.

Why has the debt been growing so rapidly?

Since the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, the government expenditure has consistently exceeded its revenue by a considerable margin. For example, in 2011 the spending is estimated to be RM229bn while the revenue will be only RM183bn. So the shortfall of RM46bn has to be met by borrowing.

Of course it is not expected that the government balances its books every year. Prudent economic management requires the government to balance its budget over an entire business cycle. So we can have deficits during bad years and budget surpluses during good years. Since 1998, we have had at least two business cycles; yet every year without fail we have had budget deficits!

This is evidence of fiscal irresponsibility. Here is a government which does not know the meaning of saving for a rainy day. A good example is the situation in the current year.

Table 1 shows that the actual revenue for 2011 is going to be higher than the budgeted figure by RM17.6bn. This is mainly due to the increased income from the rise in oil prices in 2011. The federal government relies heavily on different forms of revenues (corporate tax, petroleum profit tax, royalties, Petronas dividends etc.) that originate from the production and export of oil and gas in Malaysia. The proportion can be 30-40 per cent of the total government revenue. Thus a rise in the world price of oil translates directly into higher income for the government. So essentially, we had a windfall income.

What would a prudent government do with this windfall? It would reduce the planned borrowing. But that’s not our BN government’s way of financial management. Uncannily, the increase in the actual spending is going to be the same amount of RM17.6bn! When asked about this at one of the post-budget forums, a Treasury official explained that it was mainly due to higher spending on salaries and increased subsidy for petrol and diesel. We can understand the increased subsidy but why the higher salary? Did we just increase the size of the bureaucracy? This is a clear case of a government which has no control on its spending.

Why is the federal government spending more than it earns?

There are a few reasons for this consistent imbalance. A major factor is the large leakage in government spending due to corruption and wasteful spending that has been highlighted by the Auditor General year after year in his annual reports. It has been estimated that we can easily save RM25-30bn without changing any of the deliverables if we can get rid of corruption and cronyism. Transparent practices like open tendering can cut down the cost of much of the procurement and project spending.

In addition, spending can be reduced on military procurements. If a fraction of the money that is saved here can be used to improve the quality of our diplomats in Wisma Putra, we can avert any potential threat to national security. We can also cut down on the excessive use of foreign and local consultants by the government for work that ought to be done by the civil service. Reduction of subsidies to the operators of privatised projects such as the independent power producers and toll road operators will also narrow the deficit.

Another reason for the deficit is the under collection of revenues including income tax and customs duties. Better compliance to and enforcement of existing laws and provisions can increase government revenue. It is common knowledge that many business operators evade paying their full share of income tax by under declaring their true income. Similarly, evasion of customs duties is rampant due to corruption in the Customs department.

What will happen if the debt keeps increasing at the same rate in future?

As the debt gets larger, interest payments will take an increasing share of total government spending. Table 2 shows this clearly.

If the government continues with the trend of the past 13 years, by 2020 we may be spending about 18-25 per cent of the operating budget on interest payments. In fact as the borrowing increases, the government will be forced to pay higher interest rates to borrow more because its credit rating will be downgraded. (For example, in Europe, currently the German government can borrow at around 2 per cent per annum while the Italian government has to pay about 7 per cent for its loans.) So the interest cost will rise exponentially.

This will leave much less money for other social and economic spending. It will also widen income inequality as the government will have to cut spending on many public goods like education, health care and public transport. At the same time, the interest it pays goes mainly to foreigners and the better off segment of the population.

What is even more worrying is that given our large revenue from petroleum-related sources, we should not really be running deficits. It is only a matter of time before we run out of oil and gas and thus become net importers of these two commodities. When that happens, our budget situation may become very critical.

A prudent Malaysian government would have saved a sizeable portion of the petroleum revenue from the past few decades as a fund for rainy days. Many other countries have done this. Norway is a prime example. Abu Dhabi is another country which has a huge sovereign wealth fund set up from its petroleum windfall. Botswana in southern Africa saved its windfall earnings from the discovery of diamonds and invested it abroad for its long-term well being.

Unfortunately, we are governed by a spendthrift government which is beset with problems of corruption and incompetency. Unless the situation changes, we are leaving a huge burden to our children and grandchildren. They are not going to forgive us if we do not try to change the situation.